
社会福祉法人 仁生社




1) 伊藤裕之,菊池良美,伊東美歩,山畠祐美子.医療ソーシャルワーカーによる退院援助を必要とした2型糖尿病患者の入院期間に影響する因子の検討.糖尿病プラクティス37: 370-376, 2020.


2) 井筒琢磨,伊藤裕之,草野英司,松本涼子,安徳進一,森俊子.HbA1c偽低値を示す異常ヘモグロビンHbE-Saskatoon[β22Glu→Lys]の1例.糖尿病63: 445-450, 2020.


3) Ito H, Antoku S, Izutsu T, Kusano E, Matsumoto S, Yamasaki T, Mori T, Togane M. The prognosis of subjects showing a reduced estimated glomerular filtration rate without albuminuria in Japanese patients with type 2 diabetes: a cohort study for diabetic kidney disease. Clinical and Experimental Nephrology, 24:1033-1043, 2020 [Impact Factor: 1.770].


4) Izutsu T, Ito H, Fukuda I, Tamura H, Matsumoto S, Antoku S, Mori T, Goto H. Early improvement of Non-islet Cell Tumor Hypoglycemia by chemotherapy using lenvatinib in a case with type 2 diabetes and hepatocellular carcinoma producing big IGF-Ⅱ. Internal Medicine, 2020 Nov 30 (Online ahead of print) [Impact Factor 1.005].


5) 田中麻理,伊藤裕之,川久保幸子,草野英司,井筒琢磨,松本涼子,安徳進一,山﨑知子,森俊子,当金美智子.肥満2型糖尿病患者における非薬物的な体重の減量と外来医療費の変化量の関係.糖尿病64: 42-51, 2021.


6) Ito H, Matsumoto S, Izutsu T, Kondo J, Inoue H, Antoku S, Yamasaki T, Mori T, Togane M. Different renoprotective effects of luseogliflozin depend on the renal function at the baseline in patients with type 2 diabetes:Aretrospective study during 12 months before and after initiation. PLos One 16: e0248577, 2021 [Impact Factor: 2.740].


1) Ito H, Ando S, Tsugami E, Araki R, Kusano E, Matsumoto S, Uemura K, Nishio S, Antoku S, Yamasaki T, Mori T, Togane M. Changes in medication adherence and unused drugs after switching from daily dipeptidyl peptidase-4 inhibitors to once-weekly trelagliptin in patients with type 2 diabetes. Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice 153: 41-48, 2019[Impact Factor: 2.548].

2) Ito H, Matsumoto S, Izutsu T, Kusano E, Nishio S, Antoku S, Yamasaki T, Mori T,, Togane M, Ando S, Tsugami E. Comparison of the changes in the factors associated with the renal prognosis of non-elderly and elderly subjects treated with empagliflozin- a retrospective observation study in Japanese patients with type 2 diabetes. Diabetes, Metabolic Syndrome and Obesity:Targets and Therapy 12:1783-1794, 2019 [Impact Factor: 3.319].

3) 津上笑美子,伊藤裕之,松本涼子,安藤成紀,荒木理瑛,西尾真也,安徳進一,三舩瑞夫,山﨑知子,森俊子,当金美智子.基礎-追加インスリン療法からステップダウンの注射治療を行った2型糖尿病患者の臨床経過.くすりと糖尿病8(1): 169-179, 2019.

4) 伊藤清子,伊藤裕之, 長岩好美,林美枝子,野上苑子,青木里緒,林絵里香,大木圭子,松本涼子, 上村公介,安徳進一,山﨑知子,森俊子,当金美智子.看護師による糖尿病足病変のリスク評価における簡易神経伝導測定器DPNチェックの有用性.糖尿病63(1): 9-17, 2020. 


1) Ito H, Tsugami E, Ando S, Araki R, Matsumoto S, Uemura K, Nishio S, Antoku S, Yamasaki T, Mori T, Togane M. A comparison of the clinical courses of type 2 diabetic patients whose basal insulin preparation was replaced from insulin glargine 100 units/mL to insulin glargine biosimilar or 300 units/mL: a propensity score-matched observation study. J Drug Assess 7: 54-60, 2018.

2) Ito H, Antoku S, Mori T, Nakagawa Y, Mizoguchi K, Matsumoto S, Omoto T, Shinozaki M, Nishio S, Abe M, Mifune M, Togane M. Association between chronic kidney disease and the cognitive function in subjects without overt dementia Clin Nephrol 89:330-335, 2018 [Impact Factor: 1.352].

3) 田中麻理,伊藤裕之,安藤成紀,松本涼子,尾本貴志,篠﨑正浩,西尾真也,阿部眞理子,安徳進一,三舩瑞夫,当金美智子.2型糖尿病患者における外来医療費の支払いに対する負担感.糖尿病61: 382-388, 2018.

4) 安藤成紀,伊藤裕之, 田中麻理,津上笑美子,荒木理瑛,松本涼子, 西尾真也,阿部眞理子,安徳進一,三舩瑞夫,当金美智子.2型糖尿病患者における残薬の現状と背景因子:アンケート調査による断面研究.糖尿病61: 375-381, 2018. 

5) 川久保幸子,伊藤裕之,山本梓,行田佳織,石川あずさ,西尾真也,安徳進一,阿部 眞理子,当金美智子,溝口勝己.2型糖尿病患者に対して栄養食事指導の際に管理栄養士が運動も勧めた場合の効果.日本臨床栄養学会雑誌40: 26-31, 2018.

6) 田中麻理,伊藤裕之,草野英司,松本涼子,上村公介,安徳進一,山崎知子,森俊子,当金美智子.重症低血糖によって救急搬入された糖尿病患者の医療費.糖尿病62: 9-16, 2019.


1) Ito H, Antoku S, Mori T, Nakagawa Y, Mizoguchi K, Matsumoto S, Omoto T, Shinozaki M, Nishio S, Abe M, Mifune M, Togane M. Association between chronic kidney disease and the cognitive function in subjects without overt dementia. Clinical Nephrology, 2017 Oct 23. doi: 10.5414/CN109188. [Epub ahead of print] [Impact factor:1.066]

2) 森俊子,松本涼子,尾本貴志,篠﨑正浩,西尾真也,安徳進一,阿部眞理子,三舩瑞夫,新海泰久,成高平治,当金美智子,伊藤裕之.脳卒中後の回復期リハビリテーションにおける糖尿病未診断患者の耐糖能異常の頻度と臨床意義.糖尿病60(9):582-589, 2017

3) 伊藤裕之, 松本涼子, 川久保幸子.高齢者の糖尿病管理とチームアプローチ.New Diet Therapy 日本臨床栄養協会誌33(3):85-93,2017


1) Ito H, Tsugami E, Ando S, Imai A, Matsumoto S, Omoto T, Shinozaki M, Nishio S, Abe M, Antoku S, Mifune M, Togane M. Secular Trends in the clinical characteristics of type 2 diabetic patients with severe hypoglycemia between 2008 and 2013. J Clin Med Res 8: 710-714, 2016 [Impact factor:1.15]

2) Ito H, Shinozaki M, Nishio S, Abe M. SGLT2 inhibitors in the pipeline for the treatment of diabetes mellitus in Japan. Expert Opin on Pharmacother 17: 2073-2084,2016 [Impact factor:3.543]

3) Ito H, Antoku S, Abe M, Omoto T, Shinozaki M, Nishio S, Mifune M, Togane M, Nakata M, Yamashita T. Comparison of renoprotective effect of febuxostat for the treatment of hyperuricemia between patients with and without type 2 diabetes mellitus: a retrospective observational study. Intern Med 55: 3247-3256,2016 [Impact factor:0.832]

4) Ito H, Yamashita H, Nakashima M, Takaki A, Yukawa C, Matsumoto S, Omoto T, Shinozaki M, Nishio S, Abe M, Antoku S, Mifune M, Togane M. Current metabolic status affects urinary liver-type fatty-acid binding protein in normoalbuminuric patients with type 2 diabetes. J Clin Med Res 9: 366-373, 2017 [Impact factor:1.15]

5) 田中麻理,伊藤裕之,尾本貴志,篠﨑正浩,西尾真也,阿部眞理子,安徳進一,三舩瑞夫,当金美智子,加藤隆弘,加藤正弘.2型糖尿病患者における5年後の外来医療費の変化に影響する因子.糖尿病59: 188-195, 2016

6) 田中麻理.医療費を中心にみた糖尿病の社会医学.江戸川医学会誌会報326:27-30,2016

7)三舩瑞夫,菅野義彦.CKDの栄養とクロストーク.最新醫學71: 69-74, 2016

8)篠﨑正浩,安徳進一,尾本貴志,西尾真也,阿部眞理子,三舩瑞夫,伊藤裕之,古賀祥嗣,加藤正二郎.陰茎海綿体膿瘍,急性腎盂腎炎,大腿骨骨髄炎および化膿性膝関節炎を合併した2型糖尿病の1例.糖尿病60: 253-259, 2017


1)Ito H, Nakashima M, Meguro K, Furukawa H, Yamashita H, Takaki A, Yukawa C, Omoto T, Shinozaki M, Nishio S, Abe M, Antoku S, Mifune M, and Togane M. Flow Mediated Dilatation Is Reduced with the Progressive Stages of Glomerular Filtration Rate and Albuminuria in Type 2 Diabetic Patients without Coronary Heart Disease.Journal of Diabetes Research 2015, 2015[Impact factor:3.536]

2)伊藤裕之.糖尿病性腎症患者の難治性浮腫の治療(保存期).糖尿病と腎疾患2015 腎と透析78(増刊号):434-437,2015

3)Ito H, Omoto T, Abe M, Matsumoto S, Shinozaki M, Nishio S, Antoku S, Mifune M, Togane M. Relationships between the duration of illness and the current status of diabetes in elderly patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Geriatrics & Gerontology International :Dec 4[Epub ahead of print],2015 [Impact factor:2.188]

4)阿部眞理子.糖尿病性腎症の妊娠.糖尿病と腎疾患2015 腎と透析78(増刊号):511-514,2015



7)Koga S. Ito S. Mortality Comparison of Hemodialysis and Peritoneal Dialysis Patients at a Single Japanese Center. Advances in Peritoneal Dialysis 31:74-77, 2015



1) 伊藤裕之,津上笑美子,安藤成紀,尾本貴志,篠﨑正浩,西尾真也,阿部眞理子,安徳進一,三舩瑞夫,当金美智子.2型糖尿病患者における高用量メトホルミンへの増量効果.Diabetes Frontier 25(2):199-206, 2014

2) Hiroyuki Ito, Mariko Abe, Shinichi Antoku, Takashi Omoto, Masahiro Shinozaki, Shinya Nishio, Mizuo Mifune, Michiko Togane. Effects of switching from prandial premixed insulin therapy to basal plus two times bolus insulin therapy on glycemic control and quality of life in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Drug Design, Development and Therapy 8:391-396, 2014[Impact factor:3.486]

3) Hiroyuki Ito, Shinichi Antoku, Mariko Abe, Takashi Omoto, Masahiro Shinozaki, Shinya Nishio, Mizuo Mifune, Michiko Togane. An increase in the dose of telmisartan is effective in diabetic patients with poorly-controlled hypertension and proteinuria. Exp Clin Cardiol 20(6):3817-3823,2014 [Impact factor:1.10]

4) 田中麻理,伊藤裕之,阿部眞理子,安徳進一,三舩瑞夫,目黒健太郎,慶田毅彦,新海泰久,縄田浩子,当金美智子,加藤隆弘.大血管症を発症した糖尿病患者の入院期間と入院医療費.糖尿病57(6):425-430,2014

5) 阿部眞理子,伊藤裕之,尾本貴志,篠﨑正浩,西尾真也,安徳進一,三舩瑞夫,当金美智子,新海泰久.SGLT2阻害薬の投与開始後9日目に脳梗塞を発症した糖尿病の1例(症例報告).糖尿病57(11):843-847,2014

6) 柴田幸子,伊藤裕之,山本梓,行田佳織,尾本貴志,篠﨑正浩,西尾真也,阿部眞理子,当金美智子.持続血糖測定で評価した妊娠糖尿病患者の血糖コントロールと糖質摂取量の関係.糖尿病57(12):885-891,2014

7) Hiroyuki Ito, Mariko Abe, Shinichi Antoku, Takashi Omoto, Masahiro Shinozaki, Shinya Nishio, Mizuo Mifune & Michiko Togane.Comparison of the antidiabetic effects of linagliptin among groups with a normal renal function and mild or severe renal impairment-retrospective observation study of Japanese patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Expert Opinion on Pharmacotherapy 16(3):289-296, 2015 [Impact factor:3.085]

8) 伊藤裕之,阿部眞理子,安徳進一,尾本貴志,篠﨑正浩,西尾真也,三舩瑞夫,当金美智子.混合型インスリンプロ50/50製剤(ヒューマログミックス○R50注)の3回注射を行った2型糖尿病の開始形態別にみた臨床経過.プラクティス 32(1):93-99,2015

9) Shinya Nishio, Mariko Abe, Hiroyuki Ito. Anagliptin in the treatment of type 2 diabetes:safety, efficacy, and patient acceptability. Diabetes, Metabolic Syndrome and Obesity:Targets and Therapy 8:163-171,2015

10) 田中麻理,伊藤裕之,根本暁子,池田望美,尾本貴志,篠﨑正浩,西尾真也,阿部眞理子,安徳進一,三舩瑞夫,当金美智子.2型糖尿病患者における治療中断の既往と血管合併症との関係.糖尿病58(2):100-108,2015


1) 阿部眞理子,伊藤裕之,当金美智子,竹内雄一郎,三舩瑞夫,加藤隆弘,笠川忍,黒川宗一,谷口修,瀧美弥子,若尾暢紀(江戸川経口糖尿病治療薬研究会).2型糖尿病患者における開始形態別にみたシタグリプチンの効果.Therapeutic Research 34: 771-780, 2013

2) Ito H, Mifune M, Matsuyama E, Furusho M, Omoto T, Shinozaki M, Nishio S, Antoku S, Abe M, Togane M, Koga S, Sanaka T. Vildagliptin is effective for glycemic control in diabetic patients undergoing either hemodialysis or peritoneal dialysis. Diabetes Ther 4: 321-329,2013

3) Ito H, Antoku S, Furusho M, Shinozaki M, Abe M, Mihune M, Togane M, Ito K. The prevalence of the risk factors for atherosclerosis among type 2 diabetic patients is greater in the progressive stages of chronic kidney disease. Nephron Extra 3: 66-72, 2013

4) Ito H, Abe M, Shinozaki M, Oshikiri K, Yamashita H, Nakashima M, Takaki A, Yukawa C, Furusho M, Antoku S, Mifune M, Togane M. Hypoglycemia observed during continuous glucose monitoring in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus treated by subcutaneous insulin Injection. Diabetes Thechnol Ther 15: 586-590, 2013 [Impact factor: 2.205]

5) 押切甲子郎,石田英則,安徳進一,阿部眞理子,伊藤裕之.低用量のインスリンとスルホニル尿素薬を用いたbasal supported oral therapyの開始後に重症低血糖を生じた2型糖尿病の1例.内科112: 406-409, 2013

6) Ito H, Abe M, Shinozaki M, Omoto T, Nishio S, Furusho M, Antoku S, Mifune M, Togane M, Sanaka T. The number of antihypertensive agents simply reflects the grade and the risk of atherosclerosis in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Journal of Diabetes Mellitus 3: 161-167, 2013

7) 田中麻理,伊藤裕之,押切甲子郎,安徳進一,阿部眞理子,竹内雄一郎,三舩瑞夫,当金美智子.病診・病病連携における糖尿病患者の特徴と逆紹介を阻害する因子.プラクティス30: 641-648, 2013

8) 柴田幸子,伊藤裕之・他.杉本正毅(編著).2型糖尿病のためのカーボカウント実践ガイド~食品交換表とカーボカウントの連携促進をめざす~.医薬ジャーナル社,2014

9) Ito H, Ohira H, Chinen T, Omoto T, Shinozaki M, Nishio S, Abe M, Antoku S, Mifune M, Togane M. The ratio of serum eicosapentaenoic acid to arachidonic acid is associated with renal impairment and diabetic macroangiopathies in elderly patients with type 2 diabetes. Diabetes Care 37: e7-e8, 2014 [Impact factor: 8.087]

10) 伊藤清子.ドコみる?どうみる?フットケア誌上検討会.糖尿病ケア第11巻2号:8-11,2014

11) 伊藤裕之,阿部眞理子,当金美智子,三舩瑞夫,加藤隆弘,笠川忍,黒川宗一,竹内雄一郎,龍美弥子,若尾暢紀.インスリン治療中の2型糖尿病患者におけるシタグリプチン併用療法の有用性.Progress in Medicine 34: 491-496, 2014